Paladin joined our herd with
her maternal sister, Siuslaw, this winter. We have long admired the
Alder*Rose herd and Paladin's dam, Metolius, is a wonderful example of
the depth of quality in this herd. Metolius has a beautiful mammary
system and a striking profile. Granddam Jesuit is appraised 92
EEEE and has produced several outstanding daughters in the Alder*Rose
herd. Paladin looks to be following in her dam and granddam's hoofprints
with her beautiful high, wide mammary and her lovely depth of body.
We look forward to watching
this lovely doe mature. She was a first freshening 2 year old this year
and shows great promise for the future.
Paladin is bred to Alder*Rose
Nikesh for March kids.
1st doe kid will be
retained. 2nd doeling/bucks $600.